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Mobixell, a mobile data management, network optimization, and rich media delivery solutions company, was sold to Flash Networks.

Tech, software & digital

Drapeau Israel


Advisor to the sell side

Thales Italia, fully controlled by the listed French group Thales, sold its SAP business unit to the Swiss group Amaris.

Business services , Tech, software & digital

Drapeau Italy Drapeau Switzerland


Advisor to the sell side

Intercept, a leading UK cloud-based provider of financial services and insurance, was sold to Alternative.

Business services , Financial Institutions , Tech, software & digital

Drapeau UK


Advisor to the sell side

Axender, distributor of flyers and door-to-door newspapers in the Netherlands, acquired Printaxx, active in online designing and printing of advertisement leaflets and flyers for the consumer market.

Tech, software & digital

Drapeau Netherlands


Advisor to the buy side

The management of NykampNyboer, leading Dutch advisory firm in brand implementation and brand improvement, holding 50% of the shares in the company, acquired the other 50% of the shares of Friesland Bank Investments.

Tech, software & digital

Drapeau Netherlands


Advisor to Friesland bank Investment

Multiple acquisitions of various distributions companies of advertisement leaflets and local newspapers, amongst which the Alfa Group, led to the formation of a merged company, currently called Axender. The shareholders of Axender are various regional companies, H2 Equity partners and Vondel Finance.

Tech, software & digital

Drapeau Netherlands

Minority sale

Advisor to Alfa Groep

ICT Media is a multimedia company in the field of CIO, IT and sourcing communities. Clairfield in the Netherlands acted as advisor to the shareholders of the company.

Tech, software & digital

Drapeau Netherlands

Strategic advisory

Advisor to ICT Media

Following an MBO, Amerborg acquired, together with the management of Management Team and Sprout business magazines, the shares out of the group of VNU publishers, establishing the new company MT Media Group. Vondel Finance acquired a minority shareholding in the new company.

Tech, software & digital

Drapeau Netherlands


Advisor to the by side

Smile Telecom, provider of telecom services that focuses on long-term WIMAX licenses, acquired Breezz, provider of telecom services to midsized Dutch companies.

Tech, software & digital

Drapeau Netherlands


Advisor to the buy side

Level Up is a Dutch IT services company, seated in Delft, active in project management, consultancy and business intelligence. Clairfield in the Netherlands acted as advisor to the shareholders of the company.

Tech, software & digital

Drapeau Netherlands

Strategic advisory

Advisor to Level Up

Kewill Systems plc (LSE: KWL) (“Kewill” or the “Group”), the leader in supply chain control solutions, acquired Innovate IT Holding BV, a Dutch software company specializing in after sales service management.

Tech, software & digital

Drapeau Netherlands


Advisor to the sell side