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We provides advisory services on mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, private financings, and restructurings primarily to Canadian middle-market companies.

Founded in 1997 in Toronto with the aim of providing top-quality advice to Canada’s robust middle market, we attribute our success to the personalized attention from our senior partners on all phases of a transaction, our long experience in advising on complex transactions, and our ability to provide independent expert advice that is always in the client’s best interest.

We have expertise in a number of industries including the healthcare, manufacturing and distribution, building products, consumer goods, and business services verticals.

Clairfield Canada is located in the financial district in Toronto with a business development office in Windsor, Ontario, and a presence in Montreal, focused on the tech sector.

Sélection de transactions

Harbourfront Wealth Holdings, a leading Canadian independent wealth advisory and investment management firm, acquired Rothenberg Wealth Management.

Financial Institutions

Drapeau Canada


Richards Packaging Income Fund (TSX: RPI.UN) acquired Insight Medical Technologies, a vision-care distributor, through its subsidiary Clarion Medical Technologies Inc.


Drapeau Canada


Advisor to the buyer

Harbourfront Wealth Holdings, an independent wealth advisory and investment management firm, acquired Cornerstone Investment Counsel.

Financial Institutions

Drapeau Canada


Advisor to the buyer

Setpoint Building Automation Inc., a leading building automation solutions provider, sold a controlling interest of its equity to management and other third-party investors.

Business services

Drapeau Canada


Advisor to the seller

North American Produce Buyers Ltd., a leading importer and distributor of premium fruits, sold a controlling interest to Ironbridge Equity Partners, a Toronto-based private equity firm focused on investing in companies in the Canadian lower middle-market.

Consumer & retail

Drapeau Canada


Advisor to the seller

Advantage Engineering Inc, a provider of prototyping, additive manufacturing, and low-volume production, was sold to SyBridge Technologies Inc., a global industrial technology company established by Crestview Partners in 2019.

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Business services

Drapeau Canada Drapeau US



sy crest

Advisor to the seller

Etiya Bilgi Teknolojileri Yazılım Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., a software company providing customer experience focused on AI‐driven digital transformation, sold a minority share to QMI, a Canadian leader in telecommunications, entertainment, news, and media.

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Tech, software & digital

Drapeau Canada Drapeau Turkey


Advisor to the seller

Daltco Electric & Supply (1979) Ltd., an independent electrical, lighting, and automation distributor, was sold to Deschenes Group Inc., a private familyowned Canadian wholesale distributor.


Drapeau Canada


Advisor to the seller

Electro-Kut, a Canadian company specialized in the manufacture of complex products for the aerospace sector, was sold to DCM Group.


Drapeau Canada


Advisor to the seller

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Informations de contact


Adresse :

70 University Avenue, Suite 1400, Box 21 Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2M4 Canada

Téléphone :

+1 (416) 340 7200

Southwestern Ontario

Adresse :

2558 Dougall Avenue, Suite 100 Windsor, Ontario N8X 1T6

Téléphone :

+1 (519) 969-5777 ext. 24


Adresse :

3 Place Ville Marie, Montreal (QC) H3B 2E3 Canada

Téléphone :

+1 (438) 289-7686

Nous contacter

Clairfield n’exerce pas d’acitivtés de « trading » ou de gestion de portefeuille et ne propose pas de services d’investissement aux personnes physiques. Si vous avez été contacté par une personne prétendant représenter Clairfield au titre de vente d’actions, proposant la signature d’un accord de confidentialité, ne tenez pas compte du message et bloquez l’expéditeur. Vous pouvez contacter vos autorités locales.