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TMT sector snapshot and Clairfield buyside expertise

M&A activity is once again at record levels, and several trends in the IT segment are contributing to a buzz of activity in the TMT sector. In this sector snapshot, our DACH team identifies trends in M&A and TMT and shows how Clairfield is positioned to help on the buy side.

Buy-side advisory services are a vital part of Clairfield’s service offering. In the last three years in the DACH region, Clairfield advised TMT-sector transactions with a cumulative value of more than EUR 400 million. When Clairfield works as a buy-side advisor, we assist our clients in overcoming procedural hurdles in the transaction process and in the creation of value for their companies and investors.

Read more here: TMT sector snapshot and Clairfield buyside expertise

Commentary by:

Dirk Middelhoff

Niklas Goldau

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