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Innovation and a six-step sustainability action plan for 2022

Just when the digitalization megatrend has been fully embraced in corporate strategies, now a second megatrend arrives with great force: the socio-economic transformation towards a sustainable economy and society.

Both trends affect almost all areas of a corporation and therefore need to be addressed in a cross-disciplinary manner. Both digital transformation and sustainability transformation require action on two levels: transformation of the existing core business, and tapping into new business opportunities created by digital technologies or by green tech and the circular economy. Innovation is at the core.

Moritz Gomm is business solution manager of Zühlke Engineering GmbH, a consultancy firm that helps industrial companies innovate and move towards sustainability and digitalization.

Georg von der Ropp is CEO and member of the board of BMI Lab AG, a spin-off of the University of St. Gallen supporting companies in developing innovative business models and building innovation capabilities.

Moritz and Georg lead the Sustainability Circle, a network for manufacturers to exchange experience, network, and have access to expertise on sustainability solutions.

In this excerpt from the Clairfield Outlook 2022 they outline a methodology for companies to develop a sustainability action plan. Read it here: Innovation and a Six-Step Sustainability Action Plan for 2022.

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